4 good ideas for decorating with antique furniture

 Decorating with antique furniture is in fashion. Some look in antique stores for that antique wrought iron table, armchair, or headboard that will make a dining room, living room, or bedroom unique. Some take advantage of old family furniture that has been passed down from parents to children from generation to generation.

Be that as it may, almost all of us have some of this inherited furniture at home or even an old dollhouse that we don't know how to integrate. Some keep them as favorite elements of the home, and on the other hand, some do not know what use to give them in a home with modern decoration. They can even become a sentimental nuisance. It makes us sad to get rid of objects that carry so much family history, but at the same time, we don't know in which room to fit these pieces.

In this article, we give you 4 ideas so you can reuse your old furniture. Keep reading to learn how to transform them into elements of high decorative value.


How to reuse an old wooden bench

If you have one of these old wooden benches that you don't know where to place, this one we propose is a good option. Depending on the size of the bank, of course. If the size is not excessive, it will make a bland and impersonal hall, or a distribution area of ​​the home, and acquire its own personality.

As you can see in the photograph, little more is needed to achieve a perfect atmosphere, introductory to everything that comes later.

This wooden bench, used as a decorative element with antique furniture, can work perfectly as a letter of introduction for a home. Located in an anteroom, or hall, we turn it into a key piece for the visitor. The first impression of the environment will be excellent and will transmit excellent vibes to anyone who steps into your home's hallway.

If you live in a small apartment, it may not be a good option. In this case, we can choose to place our bench in areas such as the kitchen, or even the living room, accompanying it with some decorative cushions made in line with the style of the furniture.


Decoration with antique furniture: a console that can also be a desk

In this case, if you have an old console, you have several options. In the image, we show you a combination of ideas. It can work perfectly as a display console for small antiques or family memories. And we can also give it utility, with the simple gesture of adding a chair, of course, under the style of the main piece of furniture, so that it acts as a desk.

We can place the table in several rooms of the house. As a desk, it will create a cozy and intimate atmosphere in a bedroom, or also in a work room.

As a console, it would be an ideal complement to a living room, although placed as a very accessory but essential element to create an overall vision of an elegant and somewhat retro environment.

The size of these consoles is acceptable for houses with small dimensions, so they can be accommodated without too much problem in any of the environments that we propose.

If you are looking for antiques in Zaragoza you have many of these tables to choose from at Marsol e Hijos, the antique store with offers throughout the year.


A cupboard in the kitchen

Placing an antique cupboard in the kitchen or dining room makes us feel like we are at home. This one that appears in the photo is perfectly restored, and in an admirable state of conservation and has been incorporated into a modern home to form part of its daily life.

We can use it in minimalist and modern environments as well as in more traditional kitchens with furniture of the same style. The combination of pieces from different periods, made with thought, of course, can be your great decoration option with antique furniture.


Fourth decoration idea with antique furniture: the work shelf

Perhaps this is the most acceptable idea of ​​recycling old furniture for many. Who doesn't have a small shelf or content distribution space that can serve as an organizer?

If we have a small workshop or a work area, we can use this furniture as a more than useful element to keep the area in which we carry out our activity organized.

It may well serve, like this one in photography, as a distributor of crafts, sewing, and other materials. Or we can use the furniture to place correspondence, pending paperwork, or anything that has to do with administrative work.

It is possible to anchor this type of furniture to the wall, or also leave it a little to its own devices, on a table, being careful of course, and checking that the stability of the shelf is adequate if we do not want it to end up tipping over and being more of an annoyance than anything else.

Bonus, a fireplace made with old woods

This point is not strictly a decoration idea with antique furniture, but it is a very good decoration idea that we want to share with you. This one in the photo is a modern fireplace made with old wood from the owner's search for antiques in Zaragoza, and supplied by Marsol e Hijos.

All the old wood that you see in the photo is treated against woodworm, cleaned, and varnished so that it can fulfill its function.

This is a perfect example of integrating the concept of modern design with ancient elements. Forming a beautiful piece, functional as well as decorative, that will surely be one of the star elements of the room.

And this is all for now. We hope these four ideas for interior decoration have been usefulSurely we are going to look with different eyes at those chairs, tables, and shelves that we keep in the storage room. It is possible to give them a new opportunity and perhaps we will be surprised to see that they can give our room that special touch that will make us integrate memories, tradition, and family.

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